dimanche 13 janvier 2013

J+143 If you have any questions...

Hello to all of you!

I want to let you all know that I am fully aware my posts have become "very light" these days. I'm about to change that. I haven't had that much time. Hope you forgive me!

In fact , I know you will! Why? Because I am going to HIT YOU with some serious thinking of mine!!

I'm kidding... I am going to share with you what's going on in my head, being confronted to this culture shock. I have put it down on paper, and made an attempt to get my thoughts straight, organised.

Get ready, it's coming. I am typing it right now, trying to reread myself, that's a tricky task,.. Since I write down these things in the bus, or sitting outside...

I also wanted you to know, that I am opened to any question. I am here, in China, right now. If ever a question runs through your minds, about anything here, it would be a pleasure for me to make up a post, to answer it. I would try my best.

Just send me an email, here's my address: justine.glen@gmail.com 

You will hear a lot from me. Very soon.

I hope you are all doing very well!
En français: si vous avez des questions sur la Chine, n'hésitez pas à me les envoyer à mon adresse mail: justine.glen@gmail.com et je me ferai un plaisir de trouver les réponses (en menant une petite enquête) et de les poster.

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