vendredi 18 janvier 2013

J+148 Time with Lisa!

These days I have spent a lot of time with my teacher, Lisa. The "final term exam" is coming, so it is better for me to go to Lisa's library everyday (since she proposed it)
We also go out together on afternoons. There are pictures of markets, these are the "preparation" for spring festival !

Everybody needs to buy a stock of food because the shops are all closed during the spring festival!


dimanche 13 janvier 2013

J+143 Honesty in china.

Please keep in mind that what I am going to write is strictly from my point of view, what I observe from my daily experiences here in china. It may sound as if I am listing facts, no. This is my opinion, what I see.

There are a few moral points, which cause misunderstanding, sometimes anger when both cultures, western and Chinese are confronted.
Honesty is one of them.

You see, at first, this was a big problem for me. Honesty means a lot to me, it brings me a feeling of security. Arriving here, I noticed they didn't care that much whether someone tells the truth or not.

There is a sort of hypocrisy here, I am desperately trying to put words on it. People constantly lie, but in fact, in most cases it's politeness.

I notice there are different categories : in a family, people say the pure, naked truth.

Between best friends, or very close relatives, they lie, to show a sort of kindness.

For instance "oh, how I wish to see you, oh, your family is so great, oh, you look wonderful, I am so jealous..."

And to others, the "strangers", they lie about everything.

To make you understand, I will give you an example.

We were 5 minutes late with 7 of my classmates, after lunch break because there was a long queue to take hot water.

When we came back to the classroom, the teacher asked the students why they were late. They gave the teacher the explanation; and he then came to check with me if it was true.

I asked my classmates why, why the teacher checked with me,  they told me "foreigners are known to say the truth so teachers believe you instead of us".

I have come to conclude the "conception of honesty" is totally different. Just like some Arab countries, a lie here isn't a bad thing. It isn't seen as a betrayal.

I am progressively getting used to that and attaching less belief to people's saying.

J+143 If you have any questions...

Hello to all of you!

I want to let you all know that I am fully aware my posts have become "very light" these days. I'm about to change that. I haven't had that much time. Hope you forgive me!

In fact , I know you will! Why? Because I am going to HIT YOU with some serious thinking of mine!!

I'm kidding... I am going to share with you what's going on in my head, being confronted to this culture shock. I have put it down on paper, and made an attempt to get my thoughts straight, organised.

Get ready, it's coming. I am typing it right now, trying to reread myself, that's a tricky task,.. Since I write down these things in the bus, or sitting outside...

I also wanted you to know, that I am opened to any question. I am here, in China, right now. If ever a question runs through your minds, about anything here, it would be a pleasure for me to make up a post, to answer it. I would try my best.

Just send me an email, here's my address: 

You will hear a lot from me. Very soon.

I hope you are all doing very well!
En français: si vous avez des questions sur la Chine, n'hésitez pas à me les envoyer à mon adresse mail: et je me ferai un plaisir de trouver les réponses (en menant une petite enquête) et de les poster.